hotstry7.txt They left on that crisp morning to visit the quaint town the inn was located in. The spent most of the day looking through the shops and stores, giggling and laughing and holding each other tight, as if one could have gotten away somehow. The day was beaytiful, crisp and sunny, and the snow crunched beneath their feet as the walked the streets. They lunched lightly, snacking on various offerings of the shops around the town, indulging in sweets, and fine liquors, and junk food. If a day had to be created at this juncture for the two, one could have not been tailored better. The town was a tourist trap, and they didn't mind, for it was stocked full of curio shops, antiques, food and drink stops, and mostly what one will find in this typical New England town catering to the tourist trade. She loved the day almost as much as she lover the previous on, for they were together, and that was really all that mattered. She loved the physical part of their relationship (it seemed they had a battle going, who could pleasure the other more!), but liked as much the fact that they just shared each other also. The man had left the inn with a package under his arm, and around 3 that afternoon, he told her to "window shop", as he had a small task to perform and he would be right back. She agreed, reluctantly, and he walked down the street. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she followed him a ways, and saw him go into a camera/video store. As she crept up to the window, she saw him talking to the clerk and pointing to the package. The two went into a back room, the clerk returning in a few minutes to his former post, waiting. "What is he UP TO" she thought.... She waited another five minutes, and bored, left to window shop. Another 20 minutes went by, and again bored, she sneaked her way back to the shop and peeked in the window. S M A C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big, light fluffy snowball enveloped her head from behind, covering her hair, and wrapping around to parts of her face. "Sneaking around, spying on me, huh?" came a chuckling voice from behind her. She wirled around and faced her man; he standing 5 feet from her, hands on hips, a huge grin on his face, another snowball in one hand.... "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT" she cried, and blasted off in his direction. In one deft motion, he flung the fluffy snow in her direction, spun around and took off. The snowball caught her square in the front, covering her chest in white. Undaunted, she gave chase. He was fast, but she was faster. He ran towards an open park area when she caught up with him, and without hesitation, tackled him. He went sprawling in the snow, face first, and his head acted like a plow, driving piles of snow into his eyes, mouth and nose. She quickly turned him over, and he, sputtering and spitting snow, laughed aloud. Straddling him, she looked him in the eye and said "Hit ME with a snowball, will you!?!?" and grabbed handfuls of snow and began to rub them in his face. He fought back, though weakly, and then gently pushed her off, and rolled them both in the fresh snow. They arose, laughing 'till their sides hurt. Eventually they brushed themselves off, one to the other, and caught their breath... "SO," she said, "What were you doing in there?" "You'll have to wait and see..." was his only reply, and he turned to walk off. She hurriedly followed, and although now quite soaked from the romp in the snow, they continued their shopping spree. She was getting quite cold, as was he, and they decided to return to the inn. "I have to pick something up first," he told her. "You want to try and follow me again?" THIS time, she agreed that she would stay put, and in 6 or 7 minutes he once again returned to her, and they left for the inn, hand in hand. It was late afternoon, and the sun dangled blood red in the sky, swollen and huge, a shimmering red ballon, slowly losing its air. They stopped at the front of the inn to watch it sink slowly under the horizon. They went inside, where the man walked quickly ahead of her, and talked quietly to the clerk at the front desk. They went up to their room, where it was quickly agreed to that a shower was the next order of business. With the haste of passion, not cold, they quickly removed one anothers garmets and hopped into the shower, where they relished in the steam and the warmth of each other. He washed her, and she him, and they loved it. There seemed no urgency in either, just slow, sensual pleasure at this point. During the washing, she heard a small knock at the door of their room, and startled, she look into her mans face. "Not to worry, luv..." was all he offered her in explanation, but she was puzzled, especially when she heard other sounds coming from within the room outside the bath. Finished with the shower, he filled the tub with steaming waters, where they both laid back and relaxed, just enjoying the warmth. She heard the outside door close. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?" she demanded. "Look, if you must know EVERYTHING, what spice is there? Trust me." She nodded in compliance, aglow from the warmth of the tub, and also from the spice he had just added to this dish of the day. They got out of the tub, and dried each other off. "Now," he told her, "no clothes allowed from this point on until you are told otherwise" "I like that idea!" she cooed to him. What she saw when she left the bath with him was wonderful!!!